My dear friend from Ohio sent me a great surprise package today!! In it was some totally beautiful batik fabrics. And since she knew I collected turtles, she sent me a darling tiny carved turtle and some great sea turtle fabric. She also sent me a dottee doll. If you don`t know what a dottee doll is, just google it and see the great ideas people have come up with from all over the world!
I am going to add a picture of hers here.
This is one of the best things about the internet, the wonderful friends you can find and how they just seem to fit so well into your life. Some you get to meet, as I will soon meet my friend in Ohio. Her name is Joyce and we plan on spending a whole day at the Sewing Expo in Sharenville, Ohio a little later this month. I have also met some great ladies from other parts of the world and am sure I will never get the chance to meet in person. But the friendships are there, and that is what counts!